The product is approved for food storage GRIPPIE Green GRIPPIE Green ™ are our new climate-friendly zipper bags, made of green polyethylene. They are 100% recyclable. Polyethylene is traditionally made from fossil raw materials such as oil or natural gas, and is found in a number of grocery products such as food packaging, cosmetics, pet bottles, plastic bags and thus also in the zip bags from GRIPPIE. GRIPPIE Green is made from green plastic, better known as I'm green ™ Polyethylene, which is plastic made from a durable raw material, where bioethanol is extracted from sugar cane and then used to make polyethylene for the production of green plastic. I'm green ™ Polyethylene has the same properties as ordinary polyethylene made from fossil raw materials in terms of use, performance and especially recycling. Brazil is the world's largest producer of sugar cane.
The Brazilian company Braskem receives sugar cane from various suppliers and then begins a dehydration process where bioethanol is extracted from the sugar channels. Then I’m produced green Polyethylene. This sugar cane plastic is then delivered to other companies and manufacturers who turn it into green plastic products. In this way, 100% recyclable plastic products are made with significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions compared to conventional plastic products. This is also a much more sustainable way of producing and using plastic. The difference between using ethanol and fossil raw materials Sugar cane captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere in the annual growth cycle. This means that the production of I'm green polyethylene helps to reduce greenhouse gases, which does not apply to conventional polyethylene made from fossil raw materials such as oil or natural gas. In the video below you can see more about how to produce green polyethylene. Green polyethylene - is it compostable? No, it is not biodegradable, but 100% recyclable.
Like conventional plastic production, green polyethylene is a recyclable material and can be recycled through the conventional recycling processes used today. Because the green ™ polyethylene is not biodegradable, the CO2 that is collected during the sugar cane's growth cycle remains isolated throughout the plastic's life cycle!